An NMRA member qualifies as a Master Model Railroader (MMR™) when he or she has obtained at least seven of the eleven Achievement Certificates provided that he or she has earned at least one Achievement Certificate in each of the four areas of the Regulations. Earning the title of Master Model Railroader is the ultimate goal for many participants in the Achievement Program. Please see the NMRA MMR™ web-page. for more information about this Achievement Award.
Like most FVD members, the MMRs are a great resouce to tap for ideas and answers to your modeling challenges. Ask one of our Master Model Railroaders™ today!
FVD Master Model Railroaders™
David Crement MMR™ # 410
David Leider MMR™ # 413
Don Cook MMR™ # 479 (deceased)
Jim Osborn MMR™ # 677
MMR® is a trademark of the National Model Railroad Association